Couples Massage

Couples massage is a popular service at the spa where two people are massaged in the same room, at the same time, by two different therapists. The couple can be a husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend, same-sex partners, moms, and daughters, or best friends. It is sometimes also called a duo massage or duet massage.

Couples massage takes place in a room that is, at the very least, large enough for two massage tables, which is the typical set-up in a day spa. On the other hand, resort and hotel spas often create elaborate environments where couples can not only have side-by-side spa treatments, but also take a bath together, get pedicures, spend time in a steam shower, or lounge by a fire after the treatment.

  • Couples massage is a good choice when lovers are in the throes of early romance, and can't bear to be apart. They want to share everything, even their massage. Many couples treatments are specifically designed with romance in mind, including time alone in a rose-petal-strewn tub, a bottle of Champagne with strawberries and chocolate, and lounging time by a fire after the treatment. Part of what you are paying for is a time in the room, which works best when it's a beautiful romantic setting.
  • Another type of couples massage is simply getting the same treatment at the same time in a room that has two tables. This is a great way to introduce a partner who has never gotten a massage before in a way that makes them feel more comfortable the first time.
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@Lavana Spa

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